16 grandes momentos en la historia de la Web
Obviamente yo no invente esta lista, fue publicada en PC World por Dan Tynan. Aqui los 16 grandes momentos de lo que hoy llamamos Web, que es ya un/una adolescente de 15 o 17 anhos:
16. January 17, 1998; 11:32 pm PST: Drudge breaks the Lewinsky scandal.
15. February 1994: Jerry and David bookmark the Web = YAHOO.
14. August 28, 2005; 12:01 p.m. CST: The Survival of New Orleans Blog debuts.
13. September 3, 1995: eBay completes its first auction.
12. January 15, 2001: Wikipedia posts its first entry.
11. April 1996: JenniCam goes live.
10. March 2003: Friendster makes the connections.
09. October 24, 1995: Craig Newmark unveils his list.
08. February 16, 2003: Web mail service Oddpost debuts.
07. June 23, 1983: The domain name system (DNS) is born.
06. March 15, 1993; 1:11 a.m. CST: The graphical browser (Mosaic) is born.
05. July 16, 1995: Amazon.com opens for business.
04. October 29, 1969; 10:30 p.m. PST: The first packets make their way across the Net--barely.
03. September 7, 1998: Google incorporates.
02. August 9, 1995; 9:30 a.m. EST: Netscape goes public.
01. December 25, 1990: The Web comes online.
Sabias que la primera pagina web disponible en la Internet era el listado telefonico del CERN? Bueno, si deseas saber los detalles detras de estos momentos y las consecuencias que trajeron, tendras que leer la version publicada por MSN Tech and Gadgets, aqui el link:
The 16 Greatest Moments in Web History
Gracias por leer.
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