
La Tecnologia esta dominada por dos tipos de personas:
aquellos que entienden lo que no administran,
y aquellos que administran lo que no entienden.
- Anonimo


NXTcomm 2008... mi resumen del evento

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The ONE EVENT delivering the ecosystem of network-enabled voice, video and data. Asi es como se auto-anuncia este evento que se llevo a cabo la semana pasada en Las Vegas, en el que se presentan las compañias que tienen algo que ver con lo que se denominan servicios Triple Play. Es basicamente una feria de tecnologia en Telecomunicaciones enfocada en los servicios, cuales? pues obviamente en los 3 existentes: voz, video y datos. Mi resumen se basa en las entrevistas que me llamaron la atencion, estas y muchas otras pueden ser vistas en plenitud gracias a Telephony Onlne aqui, o simplemente hacen click en cada uno de mis bullets.

  • Tellabs' Robert Pullen. Will Internet break? 30% to 40% is video on the internet, probably it will be 80% in the near future. So, providers need to increase their capacity. Tellabs' mobile backhaul solution carries the data traffic over different links than the E1/T1 connections, leaving them only for voice. there is a sync feature to keep everything on real-time.
  • Spirent Communications' Sean Yarborough. In-home testing products, to figure it out what is going on in the users' home. MOCA, Video on Demand, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, IP services can now be tested with one single tester.
  • Juniper Networks' Kim Perdikou. They introduced stand alone control point, separated from the router. It helps to scale the services (VoIP, IPTV, etc) without conflicts supporting multivendors. Everybody's business model is changing. The whole telecomm ecosystem is moving, for example some are outsourcing the voice services already.
  • Ericsson's Arun Bhikshesvaran.The first demo of 10Gbps PON for IPTV. Get the fiber as deep in the network as possible. It is important to deploy a system that can grow with the demand, therefore you should only need to change the electronics at the end of the fiber. Based on the IP capabilities the IPTV services will change in the next 18 to 24 months, at this moment the set top boxes provide the same experience as the cable companies. Social networking will be part of the TV experience by allowing chatting while watching a show. You can talk about Next Generation TV or TV for the Next Generation, They are doing the second one.
  • Microsoft's Michael O'Hara. Helping service providers to adopt Web 2.0. Microsoft TV platform has 2 million people. Sandbox? MS is bringing their ecosystem to developers and companies to help them create new services, combining web services with telco services. He also talked about blending of IMS and Web services (it is not clear to me but it might be worth it to read more about it).
  • Alcatel-Lucent's Kenny Frank. IPTV ecosystem has issues such as how you manage the service, operation costs, build new applications on top. Building architecture for carriers so they can scale down the platform so the business case threshold can be pursed for many more carriers than just the top ones. Multiscreen topic is a possibility of a new application for IPTV.
Otra fuente interesante de informacion es NXTcomm Daily News, que a diferencia de la web oficial de NXTcomm esta mas informada... que ironico, no?

Gracias por leer.

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