
La Tecnologia esta dominada por dos tipos de personas:
aquellos que entienden lo que no administran,
y aquellos que administran lo que no entienden.
- Anonimo

El no tan nuevo Ubuntu 9.04

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Ya son poco mas de tres meses desde que Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope - esta disponible oficialmente y es poco mas de un mes desde que empece a usarlo en mi PC. La experiencia ha sido simplemente satisfactoria e impresionante. Debo acotar que primero intente usar openSUSE 11.1 ya que lo venia empleando en mi trabajo con exito - gracias a la recomendacion del Invazor C - pero esta version de Linux no reconocio parte del hardware y en comparacion con la ultima version de Ubuntu se nota la diferencia en rendimiento y facilidad tanto en la instalacion como en el uso. Como todo es cuestion de gustos, no dire que una es mejor que otra de manera tajante, pero si dire que me gusto mas Jaunty y hasta ahora no me ha descepcionado. Aqui unos extractos de la opinion que tienen algunos entendidos en la materia con respecto a esta nueva version.

  • "Ubuntu 9.04, aka Jaunty Jackalope, comes with the promise of faster boots, better power management, immediate system access after hibernation, a new system-wide notification service, and broader device support for intelligent switching between WiFi and 3G networks. 9.04 is available in desktop, server, and netbook builds. Right, netbooks, Linux distros run just fine on netbooks regardless of what Microsoft and analysts have to say." - Engadget
  • "The official Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope is a sturdy, well done distro, with lots of great things." - Dedoimedo
  • "Ubuntu 9.04 isn't a revolutionary release for desktop users, but it does provide a nice new message system and brings Ubuntu up-to-date with changes in GNOME and the Linux kernel. And at this point in Ubuntu's development, the slow-but-steady advances are exactly what users need - the underlying stability of Ubuntu remains up to par and perhaps even exceeds previous releases." - The Register
  • "... the fact that the Kubuntu 9.04 release updates to the all-new 4.2 version... offers significant improvements over earlier Kubuntu releases based on KDE4, and is shaping up very nicely. Indeed, I can envision a day in a few years' time when the Kubuntu release may well have more user share than Ubuntu itself, especially considering the 9.10 release in October will be based on the even more promising KDE 4.3." ... "Although the 9.04 release is a smaller step forward than most of us anticipated, it's still a solid Ubuntu release, and it's still light years ahead of any other desktop version of Linux. Put simply, Linux simply doesn't get any better than this right now for ordinary users, and Ubuntu is the only serious choice if you're tired of Windows or OS X." ... "the Ubuntu guys are going to have to think long and hard about the direction they want to head in from the point onwards. Rather than playing catch-up with Windows and OS X, Ubuntu is now on a par with them. In fact, it's been on a par since 8.04" - Lifehacker
Definitivamente probare la nueva version tanto de Ubuntu como de Kubuntu cuando esten disponibles y estables en los proximos meses. Si ya te aburriste de usar Windows XP, Vista, 7 Beta o el OS X de Apple, te recomiendo intentes migrar a Ubuntu, no te arrepentiras.

1 comentarios:
Tiux dijo...
10 de agosto de 2009, 21:53  

Curiosamente un par de semanas despues que publique esta nota hay una al respecto en el diario El Comercio de Peru:
Por lo visto parece que Ubuntu esta ganando adeptos, ya que hasta el diario mas conocido en Peru ha puesto la citada nota.

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