
La Tecnologia esta dominada por dos tipos de personas:
aquellos que entienden lo que no administran,
y aquellos que administran lo que no entienden.
- Anonimo

Educando a la siguiente generacion... en C++?


En una reciente entrevista a Bjarne Stroustrup (quien por si no sabes es el creador de C++) para el site Dr Dobb's Portal se presentan entre muchos otros aspectos sus impresiones sobre como debe educarse a la siguiente generacion de programadores.

Aqui les presento una lista de los comentarios que me parecen interesantes:
  • I don't think that it should be possible to graduate with a computer science, computer engineering, etc. degree without having used the basic tools (compilers, editors, debuggers, linkers, version control systems and so on) for a couple of major projects.
  • The use of tools must not be a substitute for a good understanding of the principles of programming.
  • Let me point to algorithms, data structures, and machine architecture as essentials. I'd also like to see a good understanding of operating systems and networking.
  • Think. Discuss with colleagues and potential users. Get a good first-order understanding of the problem domain. If possible, try to be a user of an existing system in that field. Then, without too much further agonizing, try to build a simplified system to try out the fundamental ideas of a design.
  • I don't think it's the features that are hard to learn, it is the understanding of the programming paradigms that cause trouble.
  • Learn to use the language features to solve simple programs at first.
  • I saw so many students who simply didn't have the notion that code itself is a topic of interest and that well-structured code is a major time saver... I heavily emphasize structure, correctness, and define the purpose of the course as "becoming able to produce code good enough for the use of others."
  • You need to give the students a feel of the machine as well as the mechanisms to make the (correct) use of the machine simple.
Bjarne es profesor en el departamento de Computer Science de la Texas A&M University y tambien colabora en investigacion para el AT&T Labs - Research.

Y para finalizar, como me dijo alguna vez mi profesor de C++: "escribir codigo es como escribir poesia".

Seria interesante saber que opinan al respecto los profesores de las universidades en el Peru y Latinoamerica, y otros experimentados programadores tambien, no?

Gracias por leer.

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